
Converting an 8ohm cab to 4 ohms
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Author:  Matt R. [ February 13th, 2016, 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Converting an 8ohm cab to 4 ohms

Is it possible to convert an 8 ohm cabinet to 4 ohms? I have a TC Electronic 212 which is 8 ohms, and I'm interested in an amp that's 500W at 4ohms, so I'd like to use this amp with the TC cab if possible so I can exploit as much of the amp's power as possible.

Thanks y'all!

Author:  fivebass52 [ February 14th, 2016, 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Converting an 8ohm cab to 4 ohms

If it's a single speaker cab, replace the 8ohm speaker with a 4ohm... but I'm sure you know that! A multi-speaker cab is not so simple, especially if it has midrange and tweeters installed. I don't know about bass cabs, but from what I've seen of guitar cabs, they can be wired in various ohm resistances, depending on series-or-parallel wiring schemes... that's about all I've got for ya! :)

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