
School of Rock on Steroids...
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Author:  NoXX [ November 10th, 2021, 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  School of Rock on Steroids...

I've been meaning to post this for a while. When we lived in the US, my Son went to several School of Rock camps/ programs at different locations. He always got a kick out of it. Last year, I heard they were building one in Taiwan, not far from where I live. I didn't think much more about it for a while, until I drove past it one day and almost dropped my coffee.... it's huge!

I'm used to them being in a strip mall, or wherever they can find space. This one has a Starbucks and a live venue built into it, in a 12,000 square foot location.... :shock:

check it:


This is really cool, as most Taiwanese parents want their kids to play an instrument, but it's usually the piano or the violin....rock on local kiddos!

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