
NOS 2001 Ibanez SR645
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Author:  Jeroen [ November 3rd, 2021, 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  NOS 2001 Ibanez SR645

Here's something unusual for you guys. It has consistently been advertised now for almost a year and just won't sell, because the seller won't really negotiate. To be fair though, he's not asking a bad price for it. Last I heard, it could be had for €450-475. Backstory: the seller owned a music store for years, closed his shop and sold out of most of his stock. He got stuck with this MIJ SR645 though. It is truly brand new and only demoed in the store. It still has the protective film on the pickups and cover, and the tag is still on too.

Those of you in the Lefty Bassists United Whatsapp group will have seen this several times already, but for those of you who haven't:
https://www.marktplaats.nl/v/muziek-en- ... 82d3f27627


I have been tempted many times by this, but I just know it wouldn't get played much since I have a couple of excellent 5-strings already.

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