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Author:  tim [ June 24th, 2021, 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Lights?

Now I want lights.

https://reverb.com/item/41452059-g-l-tr ... ights-case

Author:  NoXX [ June 25th, 2021, 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lights?

....mmm sparkly. I was trying to figure out how the lights were fitted, knowing it was a tribute that wasn't designed for them. Now I see that they were run along the edge of the fretboard, which would drive me nuts every time i felt the wire under my hand...

Author:  paulo [ June 25th, 2021, 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lights?

Yup that seems to be just a sticker with the battery in the back of the headstock.

Author:  Yolly111 [ June 27th, 2021, 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lights?

I did the same to one of my basses in the past.

It is actually not too bad: it is cheap to buy (I do not remember how much I paid, but probably not more than 20 bucks) and does show well in the dark.

It is a very thin fiber-optic type of wire that you can stick or glue so you actually do not feel it, especially due to its location on top of the fretboard side markers. Very easy to remove if you do not like, plus with mine I could toggle between red and blue lights.

To me, it was worth the money I paid for it.

Author:  fivebass52 [ June 28th, 2021, 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lights?

Those lights are from https://fretfx.com - I have them on several basses, and they work great. They'll run you about$100... the lights have a two-sided sticky tape, which gets pressed on the side of the neck. Once on, they will not come off easily... the brains/battery pack presses on to the back to the headstock, and uses a 2026 coin-style battery. When the lights are not in use, the battery gets reversed in the slot. To activate the lights, reverse the battery... very simple!

I have the red lights on my custom bass (n my avatar), and blue lights on my ATK305L. They were helpful in the beginning as an aid to learning the fretboard... now, they just look cool, and players always ask about them... couldn't find any pictures at the moment, but I'll post a couple up soon...

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